
Japanese rattan Cang admits participation to monopolize car line to tie price to agree to pay penal sum

 Round-the-world net reporter, Wang Huan, reports, according to common agency in Japan 24, American judiciary declares on the 23th,Carrera Sunglasses for Men Japanese electronics zero parts tycoon's Teng Cang companies(FUJIKURA) admitted in the car line to tie to participate in a price monopoly in the sale and agreed to pay USD 20,000,000 penal sum.  This is the fifth day Qi because car zero parts price monopoly, breach anti- monopoly method in the United States but be checked place, the total amount penal sum is more than USD 770,000,000.  Judiciary hands in to call in the document of federal court,Carrera Sunglasses for Women rattan Cang the period tie in the United States etc. ground sale car line from 2006-2010 years and related zero partses once illegally bid and operated price.  The Shi Qi of Japan total industry and thou river electricity industry before now already because of participate in the car line tie a price monopoly to distinguish drive penal sum 470,000,000 with USD 200,000,000.

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