
malarkey, take outlawed medicine Sarkozy, are you swollen?

after French presidential election got into a formal election on the 9th stage, incumbent president Sarkozy's pressure can be not small.In order to publicize own election policy, he lies recently that he once visited a Japanese blessing island last year the pit electricity station.But in two year agos, he once lay that he witnessed 1989 wall in Berlin to tumble down.Make Sarkozy more depressed BE, there is a news calling recently he for keeps self-confident to take "has not yet the medicine that the examination permission becomes available in the market".Visiting the day didn't leave Tokyo but declare to have ever been to the blessing island reports on the 12th according to England, Sarkozy enounces to the supporter while taking part in to run for catcall in Normandy recently, his visiting in 2011 Japanese period has ever been to damage a serious pit electricity station in blessing island.But Sarkozy encounters gird later on, because of, though is "3 · 11" heavy earthquake first visit the western national head of state of Japan behind, he at visit an in date actually have never left Tokyo.This undertaking Sarkozy is continuing to use nuclear energy to defend for France, while this is exactly what his socialist party rival Ao Lang is virtuous oppose.But Sarkozy seemed to be contrary to expectation, his mistake was immediately held tight by the opponent.The Ao Lang is virtuous to say:"At France republic history up, this has the candidate the affair forwholesale snapback hats hasing never taken part in at he or she for the first time up tell a lie."Rival Ji Feng he:In those early years on Titanic in fact, this wasn't Sarkozy either to make mistake for the first time.Sa Ke Qi Liang's year agoses once enounced that that very day tumbling down in 1989 wall in Berlin, he on the spot.French socialist party a spokesman writes a way on the tiny Bo:"Sarkozy is omnipresent, he once ascended wall in Berlin and had ever been to a blessing island and checked an electricity station and arrived Titanic to sink 100 ages to read now, he whether also once on a ship?"Take a medicine to keep self-confident drugs to haven't yet an examination in addition to telling a lie, Sarkozy returns recently drive Pu during the period of election for keep a self-confidentwholesale Green Bay Packers snapback outlawed medicine.On the 11th, boon and thunder space received skin by virtuous French reporter compose together of new book the taboo of end said, Sarkozy takes "have not yet an examination the permission becomes available inGreen Bay Packers snapback cheap the market of medicine".Didn't disclose in the book what property the outlawed medicine that Sarkozy takes is, just says this kind of medicine to be used for helping to take "keep self-confident".But witness pointed out recently, Sarkozy usually sweat, shivered and sometimes still slightly showed to inebriate Tai, didn't know healthy condition exactly what problem.
Article source:http://www.yoursunglass.com
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